Your Bird Learns to Fly :: Baby Bird CareFledging (learning to fly) is very important for your bird’s developing psyche and, for an adult bird, it’s great exercise in a safe environment. Learning to fly – or fledging - is very important for your bird’s developing psyche; for an adult bird, it’s great exercise. When children learn to walk, they develop a much-needed skill while developing confidence. They also make neurological connections that help in other learning processes throughout their lives. For a bird, learning to fly is much the same. Birds allowed to fledge are more confident and more independent. You can help your bird with this process. Adult Birds in Flight Try to remember the following when an older bird takes flight: Outdoor Flight Some people free-fly their birds outside. This is dangerous because of the devastating consequences one little mistake can cause. No matter how bonded a bird may be to you, you can never predict what may spook him and cause him to fly off. Once your bird gets too far away, he’ll get more scared and fly even further. It doesn’t take long for your bird to be miles away from home, lost, alone and subject to the dangers of predators and the elements. Don't Touch Bird Droppings! If your bird is often out of his cage, his droppings will follow, so beware: Bacteria are found in the feces of most animals — including birds. These bacteria are commonly associated with food poisoning in people. Good sanitation is the key to prevention. Wash your hands carefully when cleaning up after your bird and dispose of his fecal matter promptly someplace where your family won't come into contact with it. Related Articles: |
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